
March 2024

The Ottoman Empire (AD 1290 – 1923)

The Ottomans, a turkish tribe related to the Selçuks, date their history from the reign of Osman I in the 1290s. Osman’s principality started in the region around Söğüt between Bursa and Kütahya. It abutted on the Byzantine Empire. Through the 12th and 14th centuries the Ottomans were often allies of the Byzantines. But increasingly, the weak Byzantine and Selçuk powers gave way to the vigorous, tolerant Ottomans who often were preferred by the general populace over their former rulers. Except for the interregnum (when there was a power...
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Şanlıurfa, TURKEY

Round structures, belonging to B.C. 10 5000, are unearthed in the excavations, which are made in Göbekli Hill around Urfa. Thus, Urfa has a history for twelwe thousand five hundred years as of now and also is also known as “City of Prophets” because prophets such as Abraham, Ayoub and Shoaib live in this city. Urfa is established on the territories, called “Fertile Crescent” in the archaeological literature because it is a region, from which culture and citizenship is spread into the world wide. Region...
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