Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque) and Social Complex

Sultan Ahmet Mosque is constructed by chief architect Sedefkar Mehmet Ağa during the reign of Ottoman sultan I. Ahmet (1603-1617) and it is started to construct Sultan Ahmet Mosque in 1609 and construction of mosque is completed in 1617, however, construction of other structures in the social complex lasts until 1620. Therefore, Sultan I. Ahmet, died after opening of mosque in 1617, could be buried into his tomb, which is constructed during the reign of his son II. Osman in 1620. Sultan Ahmet Mosque is the most splendid and magnificent work of Ottoman architecture after the classical period. Mosque is surrounded with a large outer courtyard, which is entered from eight gates, of which three ones are from the front. Inner courtyard of the mosque, entered from three gates, is surrounded with 26 columns and 30 cloisters with domes and there is an octagonal water-tank with a fountain with column and dome in the middle of the courtyard. Mosque has six minarets and there are three minaret balconies in each of four minarets in external environment of the main space and there are two minaret balconies in each of two minarets in the courtyard edges. Inner space of the mosque is in the sizes of 64mx72m. Dome, covering main space of the mosque, is in the height ıf 43m and in the diameter of 23,5m and it is placed on four main archways based on four elephant feet.  Main dome is supported with four semi-domes. There are messes in two sides and on the  top of main entrance. Sultan Mess is located in the left corner and Çilehane of Sultan is located here. Niche and pulpit within the mosque is decorated with tile boards, dated back to end of XVI. Century and beginning of XII. Century, until the cornices. 21043 tiles are used in these decorations…….

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