The parchment has been invented by the natives of Pergamon!

Acropolis too, maybe one of the most important edifices of the Upper Pergamon doesn’t exist today. The kingdom Library built by the king of Pergamon Eumenes II  had been one of the two biggest libraries of the antique world history. The other library had been built in Alexandria and there had been an intense rivalry between two cities. Pergamon had imported the papyrus used in books from Alexandria. But since the library of Pergamon acquired more reputation, the residents of Alexandria became angry  and embargoed the papyrus sent to Pergamon. But due to this embargo of Egypt, a new product has been offered to the world.

The natives of Pergamon invented another material instead of Papyrus for their books. These papers obtained by processing the skin of the goat have been called “Membrana Pergamena” in other words “The leather of Pergamon”.

All the written resources report that the library with no trace today but supposed to be next to the Athena Temple had possessed 200 thousand books. The library of Pergamon had been like a museum more than a library and had kept  many precious books and manuscripts illuminating that era. The space between the book shelves and the walls had protected this precious treasury against the  humidity and the windows opening to the building. After the capture of  Pergamon by the Roman Empire, the Roman Ruler Antonius offed all the books in the library to the Quuen of Egypt Cleopatra as wedding gift… Cleopatra, and ethusiast of the Library of Alexandria lost unfortunately tis priceless treasury in a fire!… Thus, the two big libraries of the Ancient World have been ruined…

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